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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

About Us


Zion Gospel Pentecostal Ministry (ZGPM)

Zion Gospel Pentecostal Ministry (ZGPM), was commissioned in 2012 by the divine instructions routed through the hand of God's servant, Rev. ( Dr.) Umoren Akpan, FCA.

The ministry is known for undiluted, unambiguous and engaging teachings of the gospel carefully delivered to the congregation during the two (2) Sunday restoration services, weekly activities, and routine evangelism programmes. Basically, the teachings are tailored to offer hope to the hopeless and inspire christians to identify with the overwhelming power of Jesus' Christ.

Over the years, our online/offline audiences have been exposed to the right teachings via our publications- flyers, bulletins and dedicated social media platforms.

To the glory of Almighty God, the ministry has recorded tremendous growth with branches in southwest and south-south parts of the country. Countless mind-blowing testimonies have been recorded that have encouraged millions of christians and non-christians to subscribe to the ministry's mandate of restoring hope.

And in order to match words with actions, our welfare department is adequately supported by the ministry to offer succour to the needy: widows, widowers, and other categories of less privileged individuals who have embraced Christ. Scholarships are equally offered to students in different categories (Higher institutions/Skill Acquisition centres) to ensure capacity development and self-reliance for a better future.

Other life-inspiring packages include Job opportunities and free Bible schools for members who desire to have a career in ministry and propagate the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Interestingly, our national headquarters is located in Alimosho Local Government Area, the largest and most populous local government in Lagos state. And with such a large community, we seamlessly connect with the members of the community and make the gospel available to them.

Our church is accessible given its location and the auditorium is adequately equipped to offer pleasurable moments for those who desire to worship in the presence of God Almighty and have their lives truly transformed in all ramifications.

While the ministry is positioned as a global brand with a resolve to be ubiquitous on the earth, we have branches in cities across Southwest and Southern parts of Nigeria.


We are Taking Small Steps to Make Earth Better Planet

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Place Of Heaven
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Study Bible
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Rev. (Dr.) Umoren Akpan, FCA

Rev. (Dr.) Umoren Akpan, FCA is the Founder/Senior Pastor of Zion Gospel Pentecostal Ministry and he was specifically instructed by the Holy Ghost to operate with a specific mandate - Restoration of souls in order to restore hope to humanity. Joel 2:25-27.
Our Mission
Connecting people to Jesus and restoring hope to the hopeless.
Our Vision
To live a life of holiness and obedience to God's words, strive to make heaven, and build a people manifesting the spirit of love, joy, fear of God, faith, and excellence. And to build a people with a passion for lost souls, build people living a victorious Christian life.

“Pray! And listen to God! You can do this alone, but find somebody to do it with you”


Church Pastors